Bright and Shady Mosaic Contest

Rachel at Stitched in Color is holding a mosaic contest. I love these. She picks a colour theme, and you look at the fabrics from her sponsor and pick 9 that represent the theme for you. Then arrange them in a 3x3 grid and link up. Rachel then picks a shortlist and we vote on the winner. The prize is usually the fabrics you picked. I have been shortlisted twice before but I have never won.

This time the theme is Bright and Shady and the sponsor is Quilt Sandwich fabrics.

Looking through their selections, I was struck by an animal theme among the brighter fabrics. I chose this as the theme for my first mosaic.

Bright and Shady animals

Lots of fun, bright, clashy fabrics! I arranged them to have a diagonal effect with the 'shadier' fabrics, and a cross effect with warm colours. It includes some Halloween type fabrics which I think fit the concept of Bright and Shady very well (and would be useful for my Halloween La Passacaglia quilt).

For my second mosaic, I focussed on more abstract patterned fabrics.

Rainbow Gradient

These are mostly fabrics I think would be interesting for sections fussy cutting. A fox fabric did sneak in at the top. I noticed when I was playing around with the layout that I could get a subtle rainbow effect by placing the warm colours at the top and the cooler ones at the bottom. The one on the middle right works to link them together. My favourite Libs Elliot gets pride of place in the centre.

So those are my two entries! These contests give me such a fun opportunity to look at fabrics and colour schemes in a different  way to how I would normally. Looking forward to seeing what everyone else comes up with.

Thanks, Rachel and good luck to all the other participants.

Note: There are no affiliate links in my blog. There are in Rachel's.


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