September 2023 #focuscuttingsewalong

 Hello everybody!

September is over in the #focuscuttingsewalong and I have actually managed to stay on track for this month! The theme was Green and I made 6 blocks in total

You can see I have joined an extra filler square onto one of the blocks, that's all apart of the plan to turn these into an actual quilt! Honeycombs don't tesselate by themselves so I am using squares as the extra shape. And, like in this photo, my layout allows for the blocks to be both 'multiplication signs' and 'addition signs' in their orientations so I can keep making blocks as the fabric suggests itself, especially when it comes to pattern matching.

So on to the individual blocks. Week 35 was identifiable motifs. I made 2 blocks.

First up the Hulk.

Gotta have the enormous green rage monster in green month. This is actually Hulk's second appearance this year, as he has also featured in July, but I haven't finished that month yet so it's not on this blog. You can go see it on my Instagram though.

Secondly, some seashells.

This is a Tula Pink fabric, from her Zuma collection.

Week 36 was obscure sections. I just made the one block for this week.

This didn't turn out quite as 'obscure' as I had hoped, though I do like the pinwheel shape created by the shapes. Here's the original fabric and the sections I used.

Did you guess? It was Buzz Lightyear and a green alien from Toy Story.

Week 37 was pattern matching. I made 2 blocks with this prompt.

First up, Tinkerbell.

My licensed fabric is getting a good airing this month! I have just matched the two pieces on the left-hand side here.

Secondly, these bears.

This fabric is a fairly recent Aldi purchase. And these bears were just the right size to fit across two pieces. I am very happy with my matching job on this one.

And finally Week 38 was Green Freestyle. I did one block.

Some little horses on this one. I originally bought this fabric to make hair scrunchies.

So that's September! There are several other green fabrics calling to me, but it's my most used colour of this year's sewalong and if I use any more I will have to make more of all the other colours to make the rainbow layout work so I will have to restrain myself in the interests of actually getting this finished at one point.

For October, Naomi has announced a freestyle month so those of us who want to do purple blocks to make up rainbows can (November will be Blue) without being obliged to. There will still be prompts, such as identifiable motifs, and there will be a one-week special for World Mental Health Day. So hopefully I can use this to catch back a lot of the gaps I've got. And, also hopefully, I will get caught up on the remaining three outstanding months soon.

Thanks for reading!


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