My orphan block box

My Mum gave me a bunch of odd blocks and unfinished bits of patchwork when I saw her a couple of days ago. These are things I made as samples, or because I had a bigger plan and then got distracted by other things. Some I don't remember at all and might have been originally pieced by one of my sisters. They live in a box above my sewing table, and very rarely see the light of day, so I thought I would give them a blog post of their own. A couple of fish blocks. I made these when I was about 17, I think they were samples for my Mum's monthly patchwork classes. These are 'almost Amish' blocks. Amish quilting traditionally uses dark backgrounds and plain colours. I was calling these 'almost Amish' because I was using blenders rather than plains. I made them when I was living in Spain in 2003-2004. I originally intended them for a big bed sampler quilt, but I had a woefully inadequate amount of the black fabric and decided to focus on other thing...