Little cross stitch kits

Hello everybody! It's been a weird couple of months. And while for many people being stuck indoors gives extra opportunity to sew, the opposite is true for me, as having 3 little kids at home bouncing off the walls doesn't make for a safe environment to get out a load of sharp objects. And I have abruptly become a homeschool teacher, to kids who just aren't that into crafts. To top it off, I have for the past 18 months or so been suffering from horrendous near-daily migraines. During the bad ones it is almost like I am having a stroke or early-onset dementia. I get confused, disorientated, angry, lose the ability to speak properly, and lose the peripheral vision in one eye. To try and stop them I have given up alcohol and caffeine, keep very strict bedtime hours - so no late nights or lie-ins - and wear my glasses all the time. The side effects of last year's meds also prevented me from running or doing much exercise in general which was not helpful at less than a y...