More Halloween La Passacaglia - and Spoonflower Shop!

Hello everyone, My Halloween La Passacaglia quilt has been slowly rumbling along in the background, so I thought it would be good to update you all. As I mentioned in my last update , I was feeling frustrated by the lack of fabric available that suited my specific vision for this quilt. However, I then reasoned that not being able to do everything I wanted was not the same as not being able to do anything I wanted, so I have been doing my best to work with what I already have as much as possible. So I expanded two rosettes, and made another rosette centre. And I have been doing several odd-shaped bits from around the edges of the quilt that aren't strictly rosettes, but are needed to fill in some of the unusual shapes created by the pattern. I found a good orange Egyptian mummy fabric on Spoonflower, that is perfect for one of the larger rosettes. For this one, I wanted to highlight a butterfly type shape within the pattern. Although being as this is Halloween themed, I shou...