#focuscuttingsewalong April 2021 round up

Hello everybody! Another month has gone by, and I am still managing to stick to this sewalong , so yay! I even managed two blocks most weeks. The theme this month was Gardens, and despite the Easter snow, I have actually managed to be outside in mine this month, so I have lots of lovely natural light photos, instead of my yellow light/weird phone shadow pics that I end up taking over the winter. The first prompt was identifiable motifs. I made two blocks for this one. The first one is an Aldi fabric, that came as part of a bundle which I actually bought for the other fabrics in it. But I very much believe in working with what I've got, and it made a lovely flower garden block. The second one is a Lewis and Irene fabric called 'Grandma's Garden'. I bought this one when I needed more purples for my Rainbow Hexies quilt (pic in my February post ). It felt particularly apt the week I made it, as my mother (who is Grandma to my kids) had been posting lovely pictures of th...