August #focuscuttingsewalong roundup

Hello everybody! This will only be a short post, as I only did three blocks for this month. It was only a 3-week month in the sewalong's calendar, and having the kids off school affords me very little spare time for sewing, so I didn't do any extras. Here are my three blocks. The theme was Human, which I found quite hard with my stash, as I don't have a lot of fabric featuring humans. Week 1 was identifiable motifs. Here is my block. Little cowboys. I got really stumped for what to put in the middle of this, I ended up asking for suggestions on Instagram. I got several suggestions for bandanas (I don't have any bandana fabric) and a couple for cows or horses (the few I do have don't work well) but otherwise people suggested solids. I ended up going for this spotty orangey-yellow to evoke the colour of wheat, based on one suggestion I received. The second week was obscure motifs. This was very difficult to find an appropriate fabric for, I ended up settling on this...