July 2022 #focuscuttingsewalong roundup

Hello everybody! Another month is over in the sewalong. Our theme for July was Water, and I really liked this theme. I could easily have made more blocks if I had the time. Here are this month's blocks. We started the month with a completely freestyle week to celebrate being halfway through the year. I made 3 blocks for this prompt. I used the total freedom as a chance to play with patterns. First up, this green block The original fabric has zigzag lines. I like that by arranging them like this it creates a snowflake/star effect. This is a different colour way of a fabric I used for a block in January . The fabrics are from Aldi. Next up, these blue stripes. Stripy fabrics are great for focus cutting, bit I do find it hard to fit them into the themes, so freestyle is a great chance to play with these. And finally, this black and white block. I am really happy with this one, it creates such a great design, and I think I did a really neat job with the sewing. I am particularly...