The 2nd Genevieve Awards: The Festival of Quilts 2022

Hello everyone! I spent Saturday at the Festival of Quilts in Birmingham! It was my first time back there since the pandemic. The layout and organisation was clearly designed with Covid minimisation in mind, so everything was much more spaced out than in previous years. This was quite nice in a lot of ways, the space felt airier and less crowded. However, I got the distinct impression that fewer quilts had been entered into the main competition. Although this may have a been a trick of the new layout. And annoyingly, my phone ran out of battery about halfway through so there were a lot of beautiful things I didn't manage to photograph. It also means I couldn't check the quality of my pictures and take better ones where I needed to, so a lot of these photos have issues with their angles and lighting. Sorry about that. But there is still lots of beauty and inspiration to behold! And as usual, I disagree with the judges. So I am presenting to you the return of the Genevieve Awa...