November 2022 #focuscuttingsewalong roundup

Hello everybody! Another month down in the Focus Cutting Sewalong. For November, we had a one-week freestyle week for Remembrance Sunday, and the theme for the remaining three weeks of the month was Lines. It's not been my most productive month, but I am still keeping up with the sewalong. I made 1 block for Remembrance Day (not in the first picture, because I have mislaid the block), and 6 blocks on the Lines theme. As I said, Week 45, the first week of November, was a freestyle special for Remembrance Day. Here is my block. I struggled to work out what to do for this week, as I don't have any poppy fabrics, and I thought my gravestones fabric would be way too morbid. I also don't like patriotic-type fabrics for remembrance, as I feel we should be remembering all the war dead, whatever flag they fought under. This block is meant to represent a sunset. It's inspired by the following lines from the poem 'For the Fallen' by Laurence Binyon. They shall not grow ol...