January 2023 #focuscuttingsewalong Roundup

Hello everybody! January is over and with the new year, we have been doing a new shape in the Focus Cutting Sewalong on Instagram. This year's shape is the honeycomb. A honeycomb is a type of hexagon where all the sides are the same length but the two small angles are 90°. We are joining four of them together to make a cross shape. This has an effect quite similar to the house shapes we worked with in 2020 (yes, I do remember I haven't finished all my blocks for that year yet). I am trying to continue to join in with one block every week like I did last year. I have chosen to work with 1.5inch honeycombs - mostly because when I investigated my collection of papers, this was the size I already had the most of. And there is no sense in buying something different when I already have something perfectly adequate to get going with. I clearly got these off the front of a magazine several years ago. It's a little bigger than is ideal for my fabric selection but I am going to make...