January - March #focuscuttingsewalong roundup

Hello everybody! Well clearly I've not made a good start of actually keeping on top of this blog month-by-month this year. Last year I was working on the basis that I couldn't write my monthly blog post until I had finished all the prompts for that month. This left me in the patently absurd situation of writing round-ups for months early in the year very late in the year, and still have some months trailing into 2024. I started this year on the same principle, but now having got to the end of March, without having completed any of the months, I'm calling a halt to this ridiculous system. It's not making me happy, or encouraging me to actually stay on top of the sewalong, it's just giving me another excuse to procrastinate. Instead I will just round up at the end of each month with as much, or as a little, as I have completed in the month, plus any stragglers from previous months going forward. So this is my round-up for the first quarter of 2024. Here are my all of ...