Tulapalooza Dos Cuadrados/Heights and Depths Block

Hello everyone! Well it's two weeks late, but I finally got my September Tula Palooza block finished. For this month we were using the Dos Cuadrados pattern by Jordan Fabrics. I couldn't work out how to translate the strip piecing from the pattern to a single block, so I cut it out as lots of little pieces. Here is my fabric pull. The meteor fabric was my part of my winnings from a Tulapalooza giveaway (mentioned here ). I don't think this sampler quilt would have felt right if I hadn't found a place to feature it. My original pull had just the black, white and pinm, but after staring at it for a few days (as mentioned on Insta here ) I decided that, oddly for Tula Pink fabric, the feature fabrics looked too washed out. So I added in the green to lessen the tone contrast between the pink and the other two. Unfortunately, I clearly wasn't thinking straight when I cut it out because I didn't cut enough strips of the pink. Which I discovered p...