September 2023 #focuscuttingsewalong

Hello everybody! September is over in the #focuscuttingsewalong and I have actually managed to stay on track for this month! The theme was Green and I made 6 blocks in total You can see I have joined an extra filler square onto one of the blocks, that's all apart of the plan to turn these into an actual quilt! Honeycombs don't tesselate by themselves so I am using squares as the extra shape. And, like in this photo, my layout allows for the blocks to be both 'multiplication signs' and 'addition signs' in their orientations so I can keep making blocks as the fabric suggests itself, especially when it comes to pattern matching. So on to the individual blocks. Week 35 was identifiable motifs. I made 2 blocks. First up the Hulk. Gotta have the enormous green rage monster in green month. This is actually Hulk's second appearance this year, as he has also featured in July, but I haven't finished that month yet so it's not on this blog. You can go see it o...