And more Halloween La Pass

Hello everybody! Seeing as I am feeling re-enthused about my Halloween La Passacaglia project, I have been making steady progress on it. I have been looking at getting the bits I have joined together. Last time, I managed to add a smaller rosette to one of the large purple rosette. I used this to be able to join on one of my odd-shaped side bits. I then added in some grey path and attached two more rosettes to the side of the large purple one. I have expanded this rosette: And then used it to join my two larger sections together! It's now too big to be able to photograph straight in my kitchen or lounge. Having so much of it joined on to each other like this is really motivating to me, it very much gives me a sense of everything coming together. I have also been expanding the quilt other places. The second main orange rosette, which will sit in the lower right quadrant of the quilt, has finally had some more white bits added to it. This rosette, and the ones surroundi...